Father, Father/Marvin Gaye 2018
Dre Lopez
I love working in my field of expertise. However, that doesn’t mean that I love every single part of it. Bios. I hate writing bios. Ugh. As it were though, since we’re being all professional and stuff, let’s get a bio going.
I’ve been working as a professional in the illustration and graphic design field for 14+ years as both a freelancer and in-house designer. I have plenty of experience with both traditional methods as well as digital. I am self taught all the way, starting with illustration and painting then moving ahead and teaching myself digital works with all the common programs and tools. Adobe Suite and more. I can use most dry mediums (graphite, charcoal, pastels, chalk, etc) as well as paint with several wet mediums (oils, acrylics, inks, watercolors, gouache, etc). My styles are not restricted to any of the samples that you may see in my portfolio. I’m extremely versatile and can adapt my skillset to just about any requirements be it from the subject matter or the type of client. From conservative and conventional to avante-garde and wild. Yes, wild as in the jungle.
My client list is just as varied as my bag of styles and skills. I’ve worked with clients from the Southeast primarily as well as clients from all across the country and in Europe. My paintings and illustrations have been published in magazines and papers as well as shown in exhibitions throughout the US of A; Columbia, Charleston, Greenville, Charlotte, Asheville, Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago to name a few.
I love creating. Except for bios. ;)